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Start your guided surgery learning curve with Dr. Sorina Preda and take a look at the improvements you can achieve with this technique.
Is Socket shield a necessity or a consequence? Dr. Abdusalam Alrmali will answer the basic questions on when and how to use this technique.
He is a oral & maxillofacial surgeon, Staff member at department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Tripoli University Of Medical Sciences, Co-ordinator TCOI implant tranining center, Director in ADEC oral surgery traning center, Member of research scentific committee, and member of IADR, WAUPS, ICOI, DGOI, LAOI, LAOMFS.
He has the title of title of DDS, is practicing as Implantologist in Poznan (Poland, Candeo clinic) and Pisa (Italy, Private practice). He is author of scientific articles published on international journals, a member of IADR (International association of dental research), ICP (international college of prosthodontics) and CAI Academy (computer aided implantology academy).
Board of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), former lecturer at the University of Florence and Siena, he holds the position of Researcher (RTd_B) at the Department of Medical Biotechnology, University of Siena. Active member of the Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology (SIdP). He is actively involved in clinical research.
Andrew then took up an academic post as a lecturer in Restorative Dentistry at the University of Bristol, a position he held for several years. He relocated to Oxfordshire in 2003 and now dedicates all of his clinical time to Implant Dentistry. Having now amassed 20 years of experience in implant dentistry Andrew is constantly engaged in training to maintain his position at the forefront of this exciting discipline. He is also involved in implant education and is a registered mentor for the Association of Dental Implantology.
Dal 1996 docente di corsi di anatomia e chirurgia applicata all'implantologia presso la cattedra di Anatomia Patologica di Lione (Francia) per conto di aziende di sistemi implantari italiane ed estere. Ha scritto numerose pubblicazioni e relazioni a convegni nazionali e internazionali su argomenti legati alla Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale e all'implantologia.
Expert in oral surgery, implantology, periodontology, prosthodontics resident surgeon and he works in two clinics in the north of Italy as a consultant surgeon in different dental offices. He is an active member of the new york university college of dentistry c.d.e. Italian graduates association and an member in IAO - italian society of osteointegration and also member of the xpert team of dental xp network.
Dental technician and head of B&B Dental Guided Surgery, he carries out the planning and supports doctors in technical matters and case finalisation.
Realmente involucrado en el desacuerdo y finalización de casos integrales a través de la cirugía guiada 3D con carga inmediata. Derrotando y realizando todo tipo de tratamientos implantológicos, prótesis fijas y All on four utilizando la técnica quirúrgica guiada 3D.
General dentist with special interest in implants at Dr. Sorina Mariana Preda – Dental Surgery in Sibiu, Romania. She has started the Implant Competency master course in order to keep herself updated and she always looks for new techniques to implement in her daily work.
Ha partecipato come conferenziere a vari Corsi e Congressi. È consulente di chirurgia impiantare, oltre che Opinion Leader per Aziende Implantari. Libero Professionista in Lucca, si occupa prevalentemente di chirurgia implantare e di chirurgia ossea ricostruttiva e rigenerativa.
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